1. COOL GIRL 2. 既然回去也是等待不如就这么写意的过一周了;光屁股、露鸡鸡也可以在下一个镜头的时候衣冠整洁 3. 按一下手指果然小菜一碟…… 4. 整体来说都像是喝了两斤伏特加 :L 5. How old are you? Fine, make the hell fucking love! 6. 在人手一部手机的年代LISA跳舞视频高清名场面对于六卢布的反应如此大犹如陀氏描述的那般果然是高了 : L 7. 我知道为什么姑娘对我的笑印象深刻了
Very cool even though Matt Damon looks like an American tourist, when he opens his mouth he makes Jame Bond look stupid. The plot is stale, but the details made all the differences, best product placement in a movie award goes out to Audi.