chaotic缩小版世界变得更精彩 the way that they give absolute no fuck on human race is so annoying at times but entertaining mostly, the cruelty is what separates i guess. they are for sure THE aliens. death is reborn to a tree so cute. fulfilment final ep is fun
说来奇怪这剧里的大部分角色都非常美国或者说是太美国了但完全不会让我讨厌这季之前我完全没想到我最喜欢的人物会是Zahid和Paige一个so fucking right and good 的角色竟然能这么丰满和立体充满无敌勇气和自信的梦想女性了这季最美好的应该是Sam和Zahid的友情了a little hug please. 青春美剧真的没有坏人呀